It's been my dream to digitise to my computer the 35mm films, fiches and microfilms that I have collected over the years. It would make life so much easier. (I have a basic fiche reader but not one with a printer or computer connection at all).

I looked for a company that would do it and after extensive research settled on a company and a price for doing everything to CDs. But they let me down badly and most of what they did was hopeless and unreadable, and they were not prepared to do anything else for me, saying the originals were too poor and they didn't have the right equipment. (NOW they tell me)

I phoned round local libraries but they will not allow me to print my films from their machines - I can only print (at a high cost) their OWN films and fiches.

Looking on the net, it seems like film.fiche scanners cost thousands! Most places the price is not even given - a hint that it's way too expensive for me. Added to that, I have no idea really what I'm looking for or whether these machines would do what I need.

Can anyone help or advise?