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  1. #1
    Newcomer to Brit-Gen
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Axminster Devon

    Smile FreeCen Project Update October 2021

    Below are details of new pieces loaded in September.
    We are always looking for volunteers to help us improve on these figures, if you have some spare
    time and are interested please contact me by message here
    There are new records for the following counties,
    1841, LIN
    1851, LIN
    1861, CAM, DOR, HUN, WRY,
    1871, BDF, CAM, DOR, OXF, WRY
    1881, SOM
    1891, ESS, GLS, KEN, LEI, NTH
    There are now 41,292,852 individual records on line, they break down into the census years as shown below.

    Many thanks to all the volunteers who give up their free time to help us all with these projects.

    Census Year
    1841 5,558,293
    1851 4,278,577
    1861 12,046,091
    1871 8,090,467
    1881 826,193
    1891 10,493,231
    Best Wishes Bev

  2. #2


    Oops! A day late (Monday's the day I go to the office). However, the thanks are still heartfelt, to you and all your team.

    Anyone who feels like helping by doing a bit of transcribing, perhaps to help other family historians who need a bit of help to get going, please reply to this thread, or PM Bev.


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