Hi all,

Just wanted to share and maybe get insight.

I finally did a DNA test after researching my genealogy for 8 years on paper.

I found my DNA mixture pretty expected (70% English, 6 percent Scandinavian likely from Scottish and Northern England ancestors, 1% German, and the rest Northwestern European, generally).

But what I did find intriguing was the DNA "cousin" matches. I found that many of my genetic relatives (4th/5th cousins) were Americans living in the USA in the South. This was fascinating to me as I'm the first in my family to live in America and am actually a Canadian citizen. My ancestors are all British or settled in Canada fairly recently (last 125 years).

However, it got more interesting when I looked at the paper trees of these relatives and found they all had roots in the States back to the 1600s! This does not add up at all with my meticulously researched tree. I don't have any clue even what side of my family our common ancestor hails from. There is a group of 6 of us who share the same segments of DNA and they concluded we have a common ancestor from late 1700s... most probably in South Carolina, USA!

Anyway, this is just fascinating to me. My earliest immigrant ancestor to North America arrived to Canada in 1827 and stayed there, quite well-documented. But 4 of my 8 great-grandparents were physically born in England, so I'm very confused. Anyone else have a similar shock?