View Full Version : Gazette Dates

11-03-2014, 12:02 PM

not sure what I'm doing wrong? The record I'm viewing has a reference to the London Gazette, with the following information;

Gazette date: 16/03/1950

Gazette page: 607

My question is, is the "Gazette date" the date of the Gazette issue, or the date that the person was given the award, because I've searched and there was no Gazette published on that date, it was the 14/03/1950, and there is no page 607 for that date?

Wonder perhaps if it would be more useful if there was a link to the Gazette page, yes a lot of work, but it would save lots of research time.

Many thanks in advance, Cheers, Lee :)

11-03-2014, 1:33 PM
Hi Lee,

I'm having a look into this right now and will have a chat with the FWR Technical Director as soon as I can as I am encountering the same problem.

I'm thinking there might be a bad transcription somewhere for which I apologise if that is the case.

Would it be possible for you to link the Forces War Records page you were viewing with this information in?

Thanks in advance,

Tom Bennington BA
Web Manager
Forces War Records

11-03-2014, 2:31 PM
Hi Tom,

thanks for the swift response, nice avatar pic btw lol


Thank you :)

12-03-2014, 11:34 AM
Hi Lee,

Small update; I've forwarded the record to our Technical Director to have a look at.

As soon as he gets back to me I'll pass the word on what's going on.

I love that Rowlf Cover for my helmet! :)



12-03-2014, 12:52 PM
Got back to me quicker than I thought!

The Citation was published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette not the London Gazette hence why we both have been unable to find it:


Very sorry about that Lee, but we have updated the record to reflect this.



13-03-2014, 11:30 AM
Hi Tom,

wow that's pretty quick, will have to look more carefully in future, a lot of the people I'm looking for are Commonwealth Aircrew.

thanks a lot appreciate the support :)


13-03-2014, 12:45 PM
No problem at all Lee!

Happy to help and if you've got any other questions please don't hesitate to ask!

