View Full Version : 1997 info in WW1 Service Records

19-10-2013, 10:00 AM
There is a letter dated August 1997 in the WO 363 records from the Ministry of Defence to a gentleman who has obviously sent for details of his military ancestor. Unfortunately, it shows his 1997 address.

I know that is 16 years ago, but should it be available to view?

I am reluctant to print the name and page number on here - but if your first initials are TG, you live in Maidstone, and your surname would appear in the COP section ... perhaps you would care to do something about this? (Send me a PM - I can supply the references)

Can I do anything? Should I? Perhaps 10+ years ago is not important?

Paranoia rules, okay!

Megan Roberts
19-10-2013, 10:09 AM

Unless a document has a do not publish for x years on it, then I don't think that there is anything to be done.

I think that you are right not to publish it here, simply as a matter of courtesy.


19-10-2013, 10:40 AM
I think that as it was a private letter that has accidentally been included during scanning, then I wouldn't class it as a "document" but as a private letter, and I'm sure the sender would not have even thought it would become public when he sent it. The sender may not even be a researcher.

If it was me, I would contact the company/companies that have the scanned image in their dataset, making them aware that it probably shouldn't be included, via a short email. If it is Ancestry or FMP that have the data set, then they will probably remove it, or at least reply to you with what they consider appropriate action. I guess these documents are originating from the TNA, so maybe an email to them would also be appropriate.