View Full Version : Burials

16-10-2012, 3:07 PM
Does anyone know about Unconsecrated Burials?
I have I believe found burial records for my family on Deceased on Line. It appears a couple of them are buried in Unconsecrated Ground. Would this possibly be because they were Catholic? I am talking about 1858 London.
With thanks ELMA

16-10-2012, 3:42 PM
Possibly Catholic or non-conformist, You might get a clue from whoever performed the burial - if it was not the regular Vicar or Curate at that Church but one of the bigger London burial grounds might have had people coming from more than one Parish so perhaps not.

16-10-2012, 4:00 PM
I have ancestors who were buried in an Essex village churchyard. Those who had been Church of England were buried in the main churchyard. However, those who had been Baptists, were buried in a separate annexe to the churchyard - unconsecrated ground.

There is actually the annotation "C" for those who were Church of England and "B" for those who were Baptists against their names in the Parish Register. This annotation (to the best of my knowledge) has not been pulled through to any transcriptions.

Therefore, if you can see the original (or facsimile) of the Parish Registers in any instance, be they baptsms, marriages or burials, you may chance upon that extra bit of information that you might not otherwise find out.

17-10-2012, 12:05 AM
There is an interesting discussion regarding the same question on roots chat (http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,493821.0.html)

And another 2006 thread on BG Forum (http://www.british-genealogy.com/forums/showthread.php/12869-Unconsecrated-Ground)

17-10-2012, 7:54 AM
Thanks Mutley
Those threads are both very interesting and explain a lot, as well as show how long some members have been helping others out here on Brit Gen.
Thanks everyone