View Full Version : WAGS

Hugh Thompson
21-09-2010, 8:30 AM
While doing some research for a friend of mine I've had occasion to use the excellent Western Australian Genealogical Society website, (WAGS), if you scroll down the page (address below), on the right hand side there is a links table with the most comprehensive list of links I've ever seen in one site, about 1200 sites from all around the world, well worth bookmarking.
Mind you it's easy to get sidetracked there.
Good luck.

21-09-2010, 8:38 AM
Hugh, what an incredibly professional website.

I must get our local society to have a look - lots of hints available for those who are interested in improving what they offer.

Have been very disciplined and not allowed myself to be side-tracked for once, but only because dinner is almost ready. Can't guarantee I'll be as good next time I visit.

Thanks for pubishing the link, it's great.


21-09-2010, 8:56 AM
As Philippa said Hugh, I love to be sidetracked on a good site.r
Must admit, Was afraid I wa being led into some Wives & girlfriends site at first! (footy people will understand.)saints preserve us.

21-09-2010, 9:02 PM
Must admit, Was afraid I wa being led into some Wives & girlfriends site at first! (footy people will understand.)saints preserve us.

:smilielol5:So was I.

I had a quick look at the site and will investigate further when I get a chance. It looks excellent. Being sidetraced by a good site is a weakness here too. Thanks for that Hugh.


22-09-2010, 8:13 AM
Me too, with the Brownlow medal just awarded and the photos of the WAGS everywhere you look, I was unsure too. Go pies!

Also had a quick look and will hurry back to it now. Thanks for the heads up, Hugh.

22-09-2010, 8:20 AM
My word but someone has put a lot of work in to that one. Thanks for pointing it out Hugh

Hugh Thompson
22-09-2010, 8:55 AM
Hi Philippa, Wendy, Deeree, and Jane, I'm glad you all like it, and I agree Doug, someone has done a lot of work, there's a good census occupations site listed there also.
I find that if I open all the pages and not just 10, 20, or 50 at a time I can do a CTRL F serarch of the whole lot at once.

22-09-2010, 11:58 PM
Now that's a good tip, Hugh. I managed about 20 pages last night....never seen so many links in one place, it's wonderful.

Hugh Thompson
23-09-2010, 7:12 PM
Thanks Jillian and sheila, it's a very addictive site, and between it and the WA BDM's I've managed to fill huge gaps in my friends family tree.