View Full Version : Devonshire Orphanages?

30-04-2005, 2:12 AM
Can anyone give me tips on how to find and search devonshire orphanages ... c1881 please?
I know that my great-great-grandfather was sent to live in a Naval orphanage around 1873.... and I supposed that his sisters would have been sent to orphanages also?
But I cannot locate them anywhere on the 1881 census... so I figured my best chance to find them would be to find out all the orpahanges in the Devon area in 1881 (census) ...and search through them page by page...if at all possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance,

30-04-2005, 2:00 PM
Hi, are you using the LDS CD set? and if you have version 3 of the viewer, you can used "search" then "neighbours-advanced query"
Type in orphan or orphange or home, all followed by Devon and click OK it should bring them up (mind you may get places outside of Devon, because it searches for Devon as a word not a place). Also try other names like errant boys home or just boys or girls home.