View Full Version : Bristol Actress

01-04-2010, 10:58 AM
This must seem a very stupid post but nothing lost. In an old family photo album we have some photos of a supposed relative, remembered now by older surviving family. However she must have been a distant relative because no one can remember her name.
This lady was said to be an actress of some note in the Bristol or Somerset area. The photo looks to be around 1930 and the lady around 30 years of age. Our now elderly relatives remember she had an untimely death in a motor car accident where she was said to have been decapitated, poor thing. I have tried to look in newspapers but have found nothing. Does this unfortunate incident ring a bell with anyone I believe the car accident was in Somerset.
I know I must be daft to ask!

01-04-2010, 11:39 AM
The photo looks to be around 1930 and the lady around 30 years of age. Our now elderly relatives remember she had an untimely death in a motor car accident where she was said to have been decapitated, poor thing. I have tried to look in newspapers but have found nothing. Does this unfortunate incident ring a bell with anyone I believe the car accident was in Somerset.

Could this be one of those family legends that has a hint of truth but many false additions? Jayne Mansfield had English ancestors and died in a car accident in which she was rumoured to have been decapitated. She lived on "Sunset" Boulevard which could have morphed into "Somerset".
Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayne_Mansfield


01-04-2010, 11:55 AM
How silly of me. Now I must look at the photos and see if I am looking at Jayne Mansfield!
I know I should not have posted this!

01-04-2010, 12:22 PM
It's not silly. Jayne's grandmother Beatrice Mary Jeffrey, was born in Cornwall in 1880 and may well have had relatives who remained in the South West of England. So she probably is a relative. It is just the location of her death that has become a bit confused.