View Full Version : Deed of Gift

Sue Simonich
04-02-2010, 11:31 PM

I have a new question that I hope someone can answer. I have been analyzing a 15th century will i.e. trying to identify the players. I've had some luck. While working on a daughter mentioned in the Esquire/gentleman's will, I found another source that has a quote from her husband's family's pedigree relating to the daughter - which looks as though it may have come from a will. I have been informed the verbiage may have come from a "deed of gift."

“if John Scrope take his wyff my daughter and governe her, and keep her lyke a gentylwoman, then he shall have x l li. to their welfare and household, and they to live yn love and charyte.”

What exactly is a deed of gift, and where would one go to find the record?

Thanks for your help.|help|


05-02-2010, 6:11 AM
A Deed of Gift is a legal document that transfers property without monetary consideration. However (and I might be wrong here) it is not likely that such a document would have been created at the time of this event. Looks more lika a phrase to ensure that son-in-law looks after the daughter properly!