View Full Version : Photo dates

Hugh Thompson
03-01-2010, 10:02 PM
I'm posting these two photos for forum Nightryder, so that some fashionista may be able to date them, they look late Victorian to me but I know there are some smart forum members out there who would have a better idea.

Hugh Thompson
03-01-2010, 10:04 PM
And this one.

Hugh Thompson
03-01-2010, 10:39 PM
I should have said for "new forum member Nightryder"

21-01-2010, 8:14 AM
I'm posting these two photos for forum Nightryder, so that some fashionista may be able to date them, they look late Victorian to me but I know there are some smart forum members out there who would have a better idea.

Hi Hugh,

This sort of photo is diabolical because the woman is of that sort of age where she might have been wearing that outfit for ten or more years. The bodice doesn't match the skirt. The small glimpse of the sleeve suggests something from the 1880s, so does the lace jabot, and her hairstyle. I don't think her outfit is new, so I'm inclined to place it in the 1890s, with reservations.

Best wishes,


21-01-2010, 8:16 AM
And this one.
Hi Hugh,

Much easier - the leg-o-mutton sleeve reached its widest point in 1895 - but again, she might not be right up to the minute with the fashion, and she might still be wearing it a few years on. So, with caution, late 1890s would be my estimate.

Best wishes,


Hugh Thompson
21-01-2010, 11:01 AM
Thanks Lenore, as I've submitted this for another member (Nightryder) who is new to the forum I don't know anything about the family involved, although even if I did I still wouldn't know if the ladies were up to date with their fashions or not, and I've asked her if she can get a look at the back of the photos which may have the photographer's name which would help to date them.

22-01-2010, 9:33 AM
Hi Lenore, Thank you, Jane Sarah Lee, nee Quilter in the top photo was born in 1847 so the 1890s would work with the age she appears to be,looking at the photo this size ive never noticed before,she looks like she is wearing a fur coat around her shoulders.
Jane Sarah Quilter in the bottom photo is a bit of a mystery, I had thought it could be the same person,much younger & slimmer but thanks to some magic with the photos by Hugh I now dont think they are the same person.

22-01-2010, 10:00 AM
she appears to be,looking at the photo this size ive never noticed before,she looks like she is wearing a fur coat around her shoulders.

I had a long hard look at that garment around her shoulders, and I'm just not sure if it is fur or not. I have been tricked in the past by scans, in which you lose some detail. A good hard look at the original, with the aid of a magnifying glass might give the proper story.

Once before I thought I was looking at a fur coat, but it turned out to be feathers.

Best wishes,
