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  1. #1

    Default could a women make up a name

    in 1949 could a women make up a name to write in the fathers space on birth cert

    or take a man with her and pretend he is is her 'husband'
    would this be possible ?

    im just supposing my dads absent father named on my dads birth cert but no one can find him

    my dad had been called a bastard at school, cos never knew his father just a name, myself and others searched and seems possible made up name to avoid the space on birth cert father being blank or they didn't marry

  2. #2


    Possibly she could have done, but have you thought about the spelling of the name? In the 1700s, my family appeared with two L then back to one.

  3. #3
    Brick wall demolition expert!
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    Sep 2005


    I think undoubtedly the answer must be yes because even today when there is far greater emphasis on being able to prove identity women are doing that.

    It could equally be true that the man gave the woman a false name.

    Have you thought that he wasn't a local?

  4. #4


    Thank you for your replies my nan mary ann prosser nee aldwinkle
    Had her maiden name on marriage certificate too james prosser 1929
    Spelt allwinkle instead of aldwinkle
    I thought maybe arthur roberts is arthur prosser and a mistake on the 1939 register
    I clicked the sounds like etc when searching
    I cant find arthur roberts or arthur prosser such a brickwall
    Thanks for reading this x

  5. #5


    Hi thank you for your replies i don't no if arthur roberts or arthur prosser is real ?
    My nans surname waa prosser cos ahe married james prosser so still legally married
    We did think maybe arthur was james prosser brother
    We dont no,
    No i havent sreachws not local to tower hamlets poplar ,stepney eaat London
    Should i search away from east london?
    Thank you for helpimg me xx

  6. #6


    Also if the law 1949 is the same now ie father father has to be in person at registration
    Or if married surname
    Maybe arthur was dads father
    Dad said never seen his father my dad was in care for 10 years
    I can upload certificates if neesed and recently my cousin has dome a dna and said i can share her tesults if might help ? X

  7. #7
    Super Moderator - Completely bonkers and will never change.
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    Oct 2004


    A bit more about the background of the family
    Vulcan XH558 - “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

  8. #8
    Super Moderator - Completely bonkers and will never change.
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    Oct 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by cazpro77 View Post
    Also if the law 1949 is the same now ie father father has to be in person at registration
    Or if married surname
    Maybe arthur was dads father
    Dad said never seen his father my dad was in care for 10 years
    I can upload certificates if neesed and recently my cousin has dome a dna and said i can share her tesults if might help ? X
    I do not recommend uploading the certificates.
    If precise information is asked for, then you can always write the details.
    Vulcan XH558 - “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

  9. #9


    Ok thank you
    I have posted aa lot apologies x


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