Fuel to the fire!

A ' Cousin ' of mine has an ' Aunt ' who posseses a sampler from the 1700's that has come down through the " Brett " lineage.
It originally came from Twillingate.

" Here is what is on the embroidery " :

" The needle point is quite faded and I had planned to get it restored at the museum in St. John's but never did do it so I don't hang it up where there is light.

" It reads and is Written in the ' old language ' ".

' When I am dead and in my grave
And all my bones are rotten
When this you see " rember " me
When I am quite " fargotten"
But if remberance be a task
Forget me '

' Done in the year of our Lord 17?? Catherine Sims '

NB. the i could be a y.

Brett Cairns