Hi Joyce, Just wanted to say I was very touched by your mother in laws story? The names you have never heard of, but one sounds French, and the other sounded quite german or Jewish sounding by the way it is spelled?

I know you posted your threads some four years ago, and its 2013, maybe you will read this?! But my Grandmother was from
Jersey and very much like your Mother in Law, She was also in the Convent, and a baby was Adopted too. As Jersey was very Farm
work in fields, The potatoe Plight and spanish Flu, Being born on the eve of the first world war It couldant have been easy.
Anyway am like your self, wanting to know more about my Grandmothers parents, My grandmother also would not say much, Infact she told me a few Porkys,! Am now suspicious my grandmother was dumped at the convent, Whilst her mother bacame a
Nun, doing the work of the lord.? Or did she follow the father , who was married to another to America? I dont know.

Hope to hear anything. Cheers!